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The County Officials Orientation Program provides county officials, both newly elected and re-elected, with important information to help prepare you to assume office on September 1. Topics include county offices and authority, oaths and bonds, personnel issues, ethics, conflicts of interest, open meetings and records.

Program Agenda

Tuesday, August 20
General Session Day // Meridian Ballroom
1:00PM Opening General Session & Welcome | Jon Walden, CTAS Executive Director
Presentation of the Colors
Association Welcome
Introduction to CTAS
2:00PM Legal Issues for County Officials | CTAS Legal Services
2:30PM Break | in Hallway
3:00PM Legal Issues for County Officials, continued | CTAS Legal Services
5:00PM Adjourn | Dinner on your own
Wednesday, August 21
Breakout Day // Various Rooms
Thursday, August 22
Association Event // Various Rooms
8:00AM Assessors of Property Breakout Session | Meridian BCD
8:00AM Highway Officials Breakout Session | Meridian A
12:00PM Lunch | Served in Each Breakout Room
5:00PM Adjourn | Dinner on your own
8:00AM TNAAO // Assessors of Property | Meridian BCD
8:00AM TCHOA // Highway Officials | Meridian A
11:00AM Adjourn