Our Services
Financial Services
CTAS offers assistance in every aspect of county government finance — budgeting, purchasing, investing, debt management, insurance and risk management.
Highway Services
CTAS helps highway departments prepare certifications of county road revenues, develop and maintain computerized road lists, analyze project costing and inventory management, and develop bid specifications for needed equipment.
Information Services
CTAS provides many information resources available to county officials and their staff. CTAS works with county officials to improve their information technology and cybersecurity resources through consultation and direct technical assistance.
CTAS Electronic Library (e-Li)
The CTAS electronic library (e-Li) contains all the information formerly found in the CTAS county publications. The information is organized by topic and is easily searchable making it a great way to find answers to questions about Tennessee county government.
Training Services
CTAS offers several training opportunities for county officials and their employees. Our programs cover a wide variety of topics related to county government, administrative operations, and technical skills.
County Officials Certificate Training Program (COCTP)
The County Officials Certificate Training Program (COCTP) is a comprehensive training program administered by CTAS. COCTP is designed to provide specialized, technical, and managerial training to elected officials and their employees to help them run their offices more effectively. It also offers a comprehensive review of county government. Graduates of COCTP earn the Certified Public Administrator designation.
Commissioner Training
Tennessee law requires newly elected or appointed county commissioners to complete orientation training provided by CTAS within 120 days of being elected or appointed. Training can be completed at the County Officials Orientation Program during election years or online through k@te.
Legal Services
CTAS attorneys author many CTAS publications, draft and review legislative proposals, monitor General Assembly action, and compile the private acts of each county. These lawyers also respond to questions and issue written legal opinions.
Public Safety Services
Officials across Tennessee turn to the CTAS public safety consultants for assistance in law enforcement, jail operations, facility and staffing needs evaluations, and public safety related training.
Environmental Services
CTAS environmental consultants provide information on recycling, solid waste collection, and landfill management. This work has become more important as counties cope with an increased number of state and federal environmental regulations.
Assessment Assistance
CTAS assists assessors of property and the property assessment community. Key areas of support include: reappraisal review and guidance; budget assistance; training opportunities; certified tax rate; calculating a penny value; onsite assistance and guidance for day-to-day operations; appeal advice; and city cost-sharing calculations.
Research & Analysis
CTAS provides statistical research and analysis of county revenues and expenditures, debt capabilities, state shared taxes, state appropriations, school funding and BEP, and other related financial matters pertaining to the operation of county governments.
Certified County Finance Officer Program (CCFO)
The Comptroller of the Treasury and CTAS have developed the Certified County Finance Officer (CCFO) program that will provide Tennessee’s county financial officers an opportunity to learn about accounting and financial reporting principles, understand how county governments are structured in Tennessee, and enhance their skills in order to carry out their responsibilities for the fiscal affairs of their county or department. CTAS administers the educational program and testing required to achieve the CCFO designation. The Comptroller’s Office has been designated as the certification authority.
Online Certificate Programs
CTAS offers several online certificate programs to meet county officials' needs for continuing education. Learn at your pace and on your time.