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Public Acts of 1887 Chapter 116

SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the County Surveyors of the counties of Cheatham, Montgomery, and Dickson conjointly to survey the boundary line between the counties aforesaid, south of Cumberland River.

SECTION 2. That the aforesaid surveyors shall meet at a point on the south bank of Cumberland River near the mouth of Barton's Creek, where the line between Montgomery and Cheatham counties strikes the said river, and run the line between said counties to the intersection of Dickson County, then run the line between Dickson and Montgomery Counties to the southwest corner of the Sixteenth Civil District of Montgomery County, and plainly mark the same.

SECTION 3. That each of said surveyors shall jointly make a map of the line so surveyed, and shall deposit a copy of said map with the Clerk of the County Court of his county by the first Monday in October, 1887, and said Clerk shall file same among the papers of his office.

SECTION 4. That said surveyors shall each be paid for said services by the respective counties aforesaid.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 16, 1887.