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Private Acts of 1935 Chapter 681

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Montgomery and Robertson in the State of Tennessee, be and the same is hereby changed so as to put that part of Montgomery County, Tennessee, into Robertson County, Tennessee, and to include the same within the boundaries of Robertson County, Tennessee, bounded and described as follows, to-wit:--

Beginning at a point in the First Civil District of Montgomery County, Tennessee, where the present line between said Counties of Montgomery and Robertson crosses the northeast boundary line of the right of way of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and running thence north forty-eight (48) degrees West two hundred and sixty-seven and twenty-eight hundredths (267.28) poles; thence with said Matthews' line south eighty-seven (87) degrees east eighty-four (84) poles and twelve (12) links; thence with said Matthews' line north two (2) degrees east one hundred and eighty-eight and one-sixth (188 1/6) poles; thence with his line south eighty-eight (88) degrees east thirty-six and three-fourths (36 3/4) poles; thence with his line south twentyfive and one-half (25 1/2) degrees east thirty-three and one-half (33 1/2) poles; thence with his line south eighty six and three-fourths (86 3/4) degrees west to said line between said Counties of Montgomery and Robertson; thence with said County line to the place of beginning; said boundaries comprehending the farm of the said J. T. Matthews and a small portion of the land of A. P. Smith which adjoins said County line.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 18, 1935.