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Public Acts of 1887 Chapter 75

WHEREAS, A controversy has arisen between the counties of Montgomery and Cheatham as to the proper boundary line between said counties north of the Cumberland River; therefore,

SECTION 1. That said line shall begin at the mouth of Barton's Creek, on Cumberland River, and run north forty-six degrees east about seven and one-half miles to the corner in the Robertson County line, designated in the act creating the county of Cheatham as the J. N. Moody corner (except as hereinafter provided), leaving the lands and residences of D. Burton, J. T. Burton, H. M. McCormac, Nat. Sanders, the old Pearson's place, Z. T. Jennet, E. L. Williams, N. S. Stack, and J. E. Cage (residence place), in Montgomery County, and the lands and residences of D. S. Mayor, W. K. Hollis, E. M. Gupton, J. B. Balthrop, W. C. Hunter, L. J. Hunter, W. W. Fry, and J. F. Stack in Cheatham County.

SECTION 2. That thiAct take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 3, 1887.