SECTION 1. That the boundary line between the counties of McMinn and Loudon, near the Erie, Tennessee Post Office, be changed as follows: That all of the land that lies East of the Erie Post Office along the Blue Springs Road up to the Kingston and Sweetwater Public Road, that are now in McMinn County and belonging to Raymond Wicker, Lester Thomas, Ray Lones, Dave Ledford, Hugh Rodgers, and Deedie Harrell, shall hereafter be in Loudon County, Tennessee.
SEC. 2. That all of what is known as the Blue Springs Public Road beginning at the Erie, Tennessee Post Office and extending Eastwardly to its intersection with the Kingston and Sweetwater Public Road shall henceforth be a part of Loudon County and the boundary lines between McMinn and Loudon County are changed accordingly.
SEC. 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 2, 1951.