COMPILER’S NOTE: Section 1 of this act is the only section which dealt with Loudon County. All other sections have been omitted.
SECTION 1. That the boundary line between the counties of Roane and Loudon be, and the same is hereby, so changed as to authorize the new boundary line between said counties to begin at the northwest corner of Henry Bogart’s farm, heretofore added to Loudon county, on the original boundary line, and run thence north 66º, west 60 chains, to a stake; thence north 15º, west 150 chains, to a pine tree; thence north 14º, east 200 chains, to a pile of rocks; thence north 60º, east 270 chains, to the Knoxville and Kingston road at Abbot’s; thence with and including said Knoxville and Kingston road, 78 chains, to the original boundary line, so as to include the farms of the following residents: Calvin McChaffrey, Jackson West, G. Newman, John Estes, F.M. Estes, A.J. Ingram, Sanford Ingram, G.W. Simpson, A. Fittz, Robert Norwood, W.P. Tetrow, J.O. Hays, Eblin Potter, DeWitt Abbot; Provided, that the proposed change of line between the counties of Roane and Loudon shall not, at any place, run nearer than eleven miles of Kingston, the county-seat of Roane county.
Passed: March 24, 1875.