SECTION 1. That the boundary between Monroe and Loudon Counties is hereby changed in the following manner, to wit:
Said boundary line is changed to read "First Tract: beginning on the present line between Loudon and Monroe Counties at a stake at the southern end of a bridge across Sweetwater Creek on the old Washington Road; thence up Sweetwater Creek to the intersection of said Creek with the northwestern side of the right-of-way of the Southern Railway Company; thence running with said railway right-of-way line westerly to where said right-of-way line again intersects Sweetwater Creek; thence up Sweetwater Creek to where said Creek intersects the line of the old Milligan farm, which line runs to the old Washington Road; thence with the southern side of said Washington Road westerly to where said road intersects the present Monroe and Loudon County line."
"Second Tract: Beginning on the present line between the Counties of Loudon and Monroe at a stake on the west side of the Lee Highway right-of-way; thence south with said right-of-way to a stake where the right-of-way line intersects the property line of Mr. Audey Godsey; thence with the Godsey property line and its meanders in a southwesterly direction to a point where the Godsey line intersects the right-of-way of the Southern Railway; thence with said property line of Railway right-of-way in a northernly direction to a point where said rightof- way line intersects the County line between Monroe and Loudon Counties; thence with said County line to a point of beginning; both tracts containing approximately two hundred and eighty four (284) acres, 1st tract approximately two hundred and seventy (270) acres, 2nd tract approximately fourteen (14) acres; but expressly excluding the right-of-way and tracts of the Southern Railway Company located between the two tracts, which right-of-way and tracts are not transferred to Loudon County but shall remain a part of Monroe County."
SEC. 2. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 15, 1951.