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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 812

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Meigs and Bradley in the State of Tennessee, be so changed as to detach the lands of T.A. Marler, A. A. Marler, John Russ, and a part of the Callie Hunter farm, from the First Civil District of Meigs County and attach the same to the Second Civil District of Bradley County. Said lands are bounded as follows:

Beginning at the present corner of Meigs and Bradley County on the Georgetown- Cleveland Pike Road, and running with the present Bradley and Meigs County line in a northeasterly direction to Lon Wrinkle's land; thence in a westerly direction with the south lines of the Lon Wrinkle, Elder and L. A. Carter lands to the section line of old State Highway No. 58; thence in a southwesterly direction, with said section line to the present corner between Hamilton and Bradley Counties; containing three hundred (300) acres, more or less.

SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: July 2, 1931.