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Private Acts of 1917 Chapter 188

SECTION 1. That the line between the Counties of Bradley and Meigs be so changed as to make the line read as follows between said Counties: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the W. T. Francisco farm where it corners on the Bradley and Meigs County line, running thence west with the line of W. T. Francisco and A. A. Marler line to line of T. A. Marler farm, thence Southwest with the T. A. Marler and A. A. Marler line to the James County line, thence North to A. A. Marler's north line.

SECTION 2. That the line between the Counties of Bradley and James be so changed as to make the line read as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southwest side of the Georgetown road on A. A. Marler's north line on the Meigs County line: running thence southwest with the said north line of the A. A. Marler farm to a corner of A. A. Marler's farm, thence south with the line of said A. A. Marler farm to the top of the White Oak Mountain.

SECTION 3. That all the real estate added to Bradley County by this Act shall be added to and become a part of the Second Civil District of Bradley County for all civil, school and other purposes.

SECTION 4. That all laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 14, 1917.