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Acts of 1883.Chapter 89

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Roane and Meigs be so changed as to include the lands of E.M. Ewing's home farm, the heirs of Henderson Deatherage, Wm. D. Browder, A. J. Hagler's home farm, Elizabeth Clower, Jeremiah Gepson, and the Misses Sarah and Chrissie Woolsey, in Meigs county, the line running as follows: Beginning at E.M. Ewing's corner, on the Meigs county line, at the northeast corner of McPherson's heirs, Foshee land, and running with John Johnson's and E. M. Ewing's line to the Deatherage heirs' land, thence with said Johnson and Deatherage's line to W. D. Browder's land, thence with said Browder and Johnson's line to A. J. Hagler's land, thence with Hagler and Johnson's line to Robert Martin's, thence with said Hagler and Martin's line to C.C. Durham's land, thence with said Hagler and Durham's line to W.D Browder's land, thence with said Durham and Browder's line to Wm. Marney's land, thence with said Browder and Marney to Wm. Ellis', thence with Wm. Ellis' line (leaving Ellis in Roane county) to Mrs. Clower and James Edgeman's line, thence with said line to Hurricane Creek, thence down said creek with its meanders to said line of Meigs county.

SECTION 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 16, 1883.