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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 791

SECTION 1. That the following territory lying in and comprising a part of the east side of Meigs County, and described as follows:

Beginning at a point at the northeast corner of lands owned by Roy Kincannon on the Bradley County section line in the center of Highway No. 60 and running north with the section line, which is the Old Bradley County line approximately three hundred (300) yards to a point which marks a corner of the Kincannon land and land of Muncy; thence southwest with the Gertrude Hunter line approximately two hundred fifty (250) yards to the center of Highway No. 60; thence southeast with the center line of Highway No. 60 to the beginning point, said tract of land contains approximately five (5) acres, and being property owned by John Russ, Frank Wooten an the Georgetown Baptist Church, which said tract of land shall be and the same is hereby attached to and constituted a part of Bradley County.

SECTION 2. That the territorial fraction taken from Meigs County and added to Bradley County by this Act shall continue liable for its pro rate of all debts contracted by Meigs County before the passage of this Act, and the said fraction shall be entitled to its proportion of any stocks or credits belonging to Meigs County.

SECTION 3. That the State and County Taxes of said fraction for the year 1949 shall be collected by the Trustee of Meigs County, and when collected in said fraction, the County tax shall be paid to said County Trustee of Meigs County, and shall constitute a part of the County revenues of Meigs County.

SECTION 4. That this Act shall take effect from and after tis [sic] passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 13, 1949.