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Private Acts of 1917 Chapter 320

SECTION 1. That the line between Haywood and Lauderdale Counties shall be changed as follows:

So as to detach certain lands from Haywood County and attach them to Lauderdale County. That beginning at a point in the center of the south fork of Forked Deer River on the south margin of the Gates Levee Road, same being in the east boundary line of the Baker and Sugg tracts of land and on the line between the Counties of Haywood and Crockett and on the line of Haywood County in the 10th Civil District of said Haywood County running thence across the river bottom west to the lands of W. T. Hay that lie south of the public road; then on west with his said north boundary line and the north line of J. H. McKinnon, J. B. Lee and Thomas Lane; north 79 3-4 degrees west 3-90/100 chains to a stake, north 75 3-4 degrees 8- 84/100 chains to a stake, north 83 degrees west 29 chains to a stake, north 88 degrees west 2 1-2 chains to a stake, south 83 3-4 degrees 16 17/100 chains to an iron stake, west 102 55/100 chains to a stake, north 89 degrees, west 46 35/100 chains to a stake, in the center of the Woodville and Gates Road, with a large poplar pointer, being Thomas Lane's northwest corner and at a point about two chains north of where the present Haywood County line runs south 64 1-2 degrees west 214 29/100 chains from the south fork of Forked Deer River in a triangle in the center of the Woodville and Gates Road, and so that the lands of S. J. Pickard, Thomas Lee Estate, the Hay or Greene Bradford tract of land, Mrs. J. T. W. Milan, M. L. Wood, M. D. Coffman, K. F. Fennel, D. H. Cherry and J. B. Lucas together with a small portion of the Baker and Sugg tract of land north of the Gates Levee shall be detached from Haywood County and attached to Lauderdale County and become a part of said county and of the 17th Civil District of said County of Lauderdale.

SECTION 2. That the taxes for the year 1917 due upon the said lands so detached from Haywood and attached to Lauderdale County and also any other taxes that may be due by the citizens living upon the said lands shall be due and payable to the said County of Lauderdale and collected by its officers; provided that said land and all of same shall be subject to the Railroad Tax to which it was subject while a part of Haywood County, and provided that said tax shall be collected by the Trustee of Lauderdale County and by him paid to the Trustee of Haywood County.

SECTION 3. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 22, 1917.