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Private Acts of 1931 Chapter 549

SECTION 1. That the line between Haywood and Lauderdale Counties shall be changed as follows:

So as to detach certain lands from the First Civil District of Lauderdale County and attach them to the Ninth Civil District of Haywood County, Tennessee, which lands so detached are described as follows, to-wit:

Beginning at a stake in the mouth of Lagoon Creek where the same enters into Big Hatchie River, runs thence northward and eastward with the meanderings of Lagoon Creek and in the center thereof to a stake in the center of said creek where said creek crosses the present line between Haywood and Lauderdale Counties; thence south with said county line to a stake in Big Hatchie River; thence down said river in a northwesterly direction with the meanderings of said river and the present county line of Lauderdale County to the point of beginning, containing approximately 1,400 acres. That said above described tract of land shall be detached from said First Civil District of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, and become a part of the said Ninth Civil District of Haywood County, Tennessee.

SECTION 2. That taxes for the year 1931 due upon said land so detached from Lauderdale County and attached to Haywood County, Tennessee, shall be payable to said County of Lauderdale and collected by its officers.

SECTION 3. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: June 23, 1931.