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Public Acts of 1893 Chapter 120

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Dyer and Lauderdale is hereby so changed as to embrace in the county of Dyer the point of land called "Tiger Tail," at the junction of the Forked Deer River with the old channel of the Mississippi River, through which Obion River now runs. This change of the line between the counties of Dyer and Lauderdale is to begin at a point in the Forked Deer River about one-fourth of a mile above its junction with the old channel of the Mississippi River, at a point where the said line diverges in a north-western direction from the Forked Deer River; runs thence from that point with the center of the Forked Deer River to the junction of the Forked Deer River with the old channel of the Mississippi River, and thence with the center of the channel through which the waters of the Obion and Forked Deer Rivers flow to the Mississippi River, called Obion River, to the Mississippi River.

SECTION 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 1, 1893.