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Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 36

SECTION 1.  That a new county be and the same is hereby established, by the name of Coffee in honor of the late General John Coffee, east of Bedford, west of Warren and north of Franklin, adjoining said counties, and composed of parts of the same:  beginning at the store house of William Norton, in Hoover's gap, in the line between Rutherford and Bedford; thence south, eight degrees east, ten and a half miles, to a point twelve miles east of Shelbyville; thence south six and a half miles, to a corner in Franklin county; thence east eight a half miles, to a point twelve miles north of Winchester; thence south, eighty degrees east, four miles; thence north, forty-five degrees east, thirteen miles sixty-four poles; thence north three hundred and four poles; thence north, thirty degrees west, two miles and one hundred and fifty poles; thence north, sixty degrees west, one mile and one hundred and sixty poles; thence north, thirty degrees west, two miles; thence north, eighty-five degrees west, three miles and two hundred poles; thence north, twenty degrees west, six and a half miles; thence south, seventy-one degrees west, six miles and seventy poles; thence north, eleven degrees west, one thousand and thirty poles, to the Bedford corner; thence south, forty-four degrees west, along the line between Rutherford and Bedford, one hundred and ninety-two poles; thence south, along said line, one hundred and twenty-eight poles; thence a continuation with said line and ridge, with its meanders, to the beginning.

Passed:  January 8, 1836.