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Acts of 1837-38 Chapter 67

SECTION 2.  That so much of Franklin county, as is contained in the following described, bonds be, and the same is hereby attached to Coffee county, to wit, beginning at the south east corner of Coffee county, near __________ Streets, running in a straight line, from said corner to the mouth of Bradley's creek, on Elk river; thence up said river with its meanders, to Caldwell's old bridge; thence with the big road to the foot of Cumberland mountain, near James Petty's; thence with the meanders of the foot of said mountain, to the big road, known as Hollingsworth's trace; thence with said road to the Marion county line; thence with said line to the Warren county line; thence with said line to the Coffee county line; thence with said line to the beginning, including the settlements on the head of Elk river.

SECTION 3.  That all the officers, both civil and military, in that portion of Franklin county, thus attached to Coffee county, shall continue in, and hold those offices, the period of time for which they were elected in said county of Franklin.

SECTION 4.  That William L. Mooney, Jessee Gorher, and Benjamin Wildman, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to open and hold an election, on the first Saturday in February, by giving ten days notice, at the following places, to wit:  at Pelhams', James Cunningham's and the Parmer precinct, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the inhabitants of that portion of Franklin county wish to be attached to the said county of Coffee, and if a majority of the qualified voters, in that portion of Franklin county, thus stricken off, shall vote for being attached to Coffee county, it shall then be the duty of the Governor of the State to issue his proclamation, declaring that said portion of Franklin county, thus stricken off, to be a portion of Coffee county, and the part thus stricken off of Franklin county, shall compose a part of Coffee county, to all intents and purposes:  Provided, however, that nothing in this act shall be so construed, as in any wise, to interfere or remove the present seat of justice of Coffee county.  This proviso shall be inserted in the advertisement, to hold the election contemplated in this section of this act.

Passed:  January 13, 1838.