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Public Acts of 1825 Chapter 188

SECTION 1.  That the territory now included in Marion county, lying west of the line, hereinafter described be and the same is, hereby attached to Franklin county, to wit:  Beginning on the southern boundary line of the State of Tennessee, between the waters of Battle creek and Crow creek, at the present point where the second surveyor's district in Tennessee intersects with said southern boundary line, running thence northwardly, with the line of said second surveyor's district, till it strikes the present boundary line of Franklin county, so as to include in said county of Franklin, the territory lying west of said line.

SECTION 2.  That John Kelly and William M. Quisinberry be, and they are, hereby appointed commissioners and surveyors, to run and mark said line between said counties, whose duty it shall be to perform said duty on or before the first day of April next; the expense of which said running and marking shall be paid by the county of Franklin.

Passed:  November 18, 1825.