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Private Acts of 1829-30 Chapter 141

SEC. 1.  That the dividing line between the counties of Hamilton and Bledsoe, shall be as follows, to wit: beginning on the north west corner of Hamilton county, on Walden’s ridge near Keedy’s road, running thence in a direction with Hamilton county line towards Tennessee river to the middle of Walden’s ridge; thence running a direct line on the centre of said ridge, in a direction towards the mouth of Suck creek, to a point opposite the mouth of Brush creek, the dividing line between Bledsoe and Marion counties; thence to the south east corner of Bledsoe county, near the head of Kelly’s mill creek.

SEC. 2.  That the dividing line between the counties of Marion and Hamilton, shall be as follows, to wit: beginning on the line between Hamilton and Bledsoe counties, at a point opposite the mouth of Brush creek, on the centre of Walden’ ridge, and thence with the centre of said ridge, or as nearly so as a direct line will admit, to Suck creek, and down said creek to its mouth, and with the line as now established by law between the said counties of Marion and Hamilton.

December 31, 1829.