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Private Acts of 1826 Chapter 153

SECTION 1.  That the county courts of White and Bledsoe, shall, at their first session after the first of January next, or some other term thereafter, appoint some suitable persons as commissioners and surveyors, to run and mark the line between the county of White and Bledsoe, beginning at the ford of Oby's river, on the old Cumberland road, running thence a direct line to George Dawson's, at the cross roads, on the road leading from Sparta to the Crab Orchard, including said Dawson's house in Bledsoe county, thence a direct line to a point two miles north west of Philip Hoodenpile's old place, in the road between Sparta and Pikeville; thence a direct line to the ford of Brush creek, where Madison road crossed the same, so as to include Archibald Board's old place, in Bledsoe county.

SEC. 2.  That the expece [expense] of running and marking said line, shall be paid by the counties of White and Bledsoe equally, and the county courts of White and Bledsoe is [are] hereby authorized to lay a tax for the purpose of defraying said expense.

December 9, 1826.