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Public Acts of 1881 Chapter 143

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The first two sections of this act referred to Cheatham and Dickson counties and are therefore not repeated here.

SEC. 3.  That hereafter the county lines between the counties of Bledsoe, Rhea and Hamilton be changed so as to attach the lands of James Sladen to Bledsoe county:  Beginning on the Hamilton county line where said line crosses the head waters of McGill creek, thence down the McGill creek gorge to the corner in the Robert's survey in said gorge, thence with the same degree and line of the Robert's survey, running near a point in the old heart road known as the Stoney Battery to the waters of Roaring creek, thence with the waters of said creek to the original county line between Rhea and Bledsoe counties.

SEC. 4.  That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed April 4, 1881.