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Acts of 1897 Chapter 164

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Wayne and Lewis be and the same is hereby
so changed as to detach all of that part of Wayne County with all its property and citizens embraced in the
calls below, being a portion of the sixth civil district of Wayne County, and attach the same to Lewis
SECTION 2. That the following shall be the line between the counties of Wayne and Lewis by
which said land above referred to shall be detached from Wayne County and attached to Lewis County,
to-wit: Begins at a stake where Thos. Voorhies' line crosses the Wayne and Lewis County line; thence
with his line north 87E, west 50 poles to his southern southwest corner; thence north 3E, east his line 90
poles to a white oak with chestnut and oak pointer his corner; thence north 87E, west his line 62 poles to a
chestnut oak his corner; thence north his line 172 poles to a hickory, the Buffalo Iron Company's corner;
thence north 87E, west their line passing corner in all 995 poles to a stake in Robinett creek, Jones Reeves'
corner; thence north 3E, east his line 60 poles to a large poplar his corner; thence north 87E, west his line
160 poles to a gum stump his corner, thence north 70E, west 92 poles to a set stone; thence north 3E, east
480 poles to the county line between Wayne and Lewis Counties.
SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 8, 1897.