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Acts of 1897 Chapter 270

SECTION 1. That the line now dividing the counties of Hickman and Lewis be so changed as to
include within the county of Lewis, all of the lands, farms and homes embraced within the following
metes and bounds, to-wit: Begins at the crossing of the Coon creek and Linden roads, the common
corner of Perry and Hickman and Lewis Counties, running thence north 12 degrees, west five hundred
(500) poles to a pile of stones; thence north 65 degrees, east four hundred and twenty-four (424) poles to a
white oak; thence north 19 degrees, east one hundred and eighteen (118) poles to a spotted oak; thence
north 74 degrees east forty-two (42) poles to a stake; thence north 312 degrees, east one hundred and six
(106) poles to a chestnut tree; thence south 63 degrees, east fifty-six (56) poles to a stake on steep point;
thence north 4 degrees, east one hundred and four (104) poles to the center of Cane creek; thence with the
meanderings of said creek about north 60 degrees, west about one hundred and sixty (160) poles to a
point opposite the cross fence between John E. Sisco and A. J. Pace; thence north 15 degrees east, with
Sisco's line, one hundred and thirty (130) poles to a hickory; thence north 83 degrees, east thirty-seven
(37) poles to a hickory; thence south 45 degrees, east twenty-two (22) poles to a white oak; thence north
64 degrees, east thirty-eight (38) poles to a spotted oak; thence south 79 degrees, east fifty (50) poles to
the pathway on top of ridge that divides the Deprust branch from Pace Branch; thence with the
meanderings of said pathway, a course varying from north 45 degrees, east north four hundred and eighty
(480) poles to a large stone on south side of road running from Kimmins to Pleasantville; thence with said
road and the Beaverdam road, a course varying from north 85 degrees, east to south 50 degrees, east
fifteen hundred and sixty (1,560) poles to the Lewis County line, westerly of Kimmins; surveyed January
21, 22, and 23, 1897. All bearings read from magnetic meridian with instrument that reads 3 degrees, 18
minutes easterly of true meridian.
Including in the said county of Lewis the lands, farms, and homes of the following, to-wit: G.
W. Skelton, Sr., R. A. Mitchell, G. W. Hinson, G. W. Skelton, Jr., Thos. James, E. C. Bastian, L. W.
Hinson, J. R. Duncan, P.K.J. Hensley, W. H. Crowe, Bryant Mathis, D. C. Anderson, S. J. Downing,
Elisha Talley, S. H. Hinson, A. H. Whylie, Budd Mathis, J. E. Sisco, E. M. Hinson, Richard Willis, W.
W. Brown, D. D. Humphreys, C. W. Moody, A. T. Wylie, J. P. Talley, Ruben Mathis, W. H. Bastian, J.
H. Brown, W. W. Quillin, J. A. Sisco, R. Lee Hinsley, William James, John Harper, D. L. Hinson, W. A.
Pace, F. J. Cheatham, J. A. Goodman, C. A. Lancaster, "land" by Union Bank and Tr. Co., Executor; J. H.
Sisco, W. A. James, J. M. Carson, Solomon Hinson, J. D. Brown, J. E. McCullom, W. T. Duncan, W. J.
Garrette, Jonathan Duncan; and also all other farms and lands and homes embraced within said metes and
bounds, as hereinbefore expressly set forth.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 12, 1897.