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Acts of 1868-69 Chapter 31

SECTION 1. That so much of the territory of the counties of Maury, Hickman, Lawrence,
Wayne and Perry Counties as was taken from said counties respectively in the formation of Lewis
County, be and the same are hereby attached to the respective counties from which the same was taken.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section 2 does not pertain to Lewis County. Therefore, it has been omitted.

SECTION 3. That the County Court records of said Lewis County shall be deposited by the
Clerk of said Lewis County with the County Court Clerk of Maury County. That the Register's Books of
said Lewis County shall be deposited with the Register of Maury County for safekeeping, and for copying
of any of said records. The Register of Maury County shall be entitled to charge similar fees as per
copies from his own books.
SECTION 4. That all suits that may have been commenced in said county of Lewis in the
Circuit Court, and undetermined, shall be transferred to the Circuit Court of the county from which the
fraction was taken, and in which the defendants may reside, and the records of the Circuit Court of said
Lewis County shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Maury County.
SECTION 5. That John Hale and Samuel Whitesides be hereby authorized to settle with the
Sheriff or Sheriffs of Lewis County, with the County Trustees, Circuit and County Court Clerks and all
other persons owing said county of Lewis, and to pay off and discharge any debt or debts due from the
county of Lewis, and they are further authorized to sell and dispose of any county property belonging to
said county and apply the proceeds to the debts of said county, and they are further authorized to bring
any suit or suits that may be necessary to enable said Hale and Whitesides to carry out the provisions of
this bill.
SECTION 6. That the Act creating the County of Lewis, and all Acts conflicting with this Act
be, and the same are hereby repealed, and this Act take effect from and after its passage.
Passed: February 19, 1869.