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Acts of 1857-58 Chapter 136

COMPILER'S NOTE: The Sections preceding Section 4 did not concern Lewis County.

SECTION 4. That the county line between the counties of Lawrence and Lewis, be so changed as to make the Lewis County line, beginning on the south boundary of Lewis, at the northwest corner of Lawrence, run thence southwestwardly with the west boundary of the same far enough to include old man Brewer's premises, on the head of the west prong of Brush creek; thence in a northeasterly direction, running east and north so as to include all of the Brush creek settlers in the county of Lewis, to a point where the old Natchez trace road crosses Little Buffalo, just above Wm. Pollock's; thence with said Natchez Trace road to the south boundary of Lewis.

Passed: March 17, 1858.