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Acts of 1867-68 Chapter 13

COMPILER'S NOTE: Only Section 6 of this Act affected Williamson County.

SECTION 6. That the county lines between the counties of Rutherford and Williamson,
be so changed as to run as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Williamson County and
the north boundary line of Bedford County, running westwardly with the Bedford and Marshall
County line to the Fayetteville and Farmington Turnpike; thence north with the said Turnpike
road to the line between Mrs. Crump's and T. F. P. Allison's land East of the pike; thence east
with line between Allison's and Bellafant and J. Jordan's Sr., and Joshua Johnson's heirs, to J.
Jordan's northeast corner; thence north to Harpeth River; thence down the same to where the big
road that runs from College Grove to Williamson Jordan's old homestead crosses the same;
thence east with said road to the Eaglesville, Unionville and Salem Turnpike; thence north with
the same to the culvert, near the toll-house; thence east with the big road via John Haley's; and
thence eastwardly to the Rutherford County line; and thence, as at present, with said line
between Rutherford and Williamson Counties.

Passed: December 3, 1867.