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Acts of 1851-52 Chapter 304

SECTION 1. That the line between the counties of Rutherford and Williamson be
changed, so as to run as follows, to wit: Beginning where the Nashville and Shelbyville road
now crosses the Bedford County line, running thence northward to M. C. Jordan's southwest
corner; thence with his line to the head of Big Harpeth River; thence down Big Harpeth River, as
it meanders, to the mouth of the East Fork; thence northward, so as to strike the Rutherford
County line near Rehoboth Meeting house, and that the citizens of the portion so taken off, shall
be added to, and be citizens of Rutherford County from and after the passage of this act.
Passed: February 17, 1852.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section Two of this Act referred to DeKalb County and therefore, is
not included herein.