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Acts of 1815 Chapter 153

SECTION 1. That that part of Davidson county which lies south of a line drawn due
west from the mouth of Little Harpeth River to the northwest corner of Williamson County be
and the same is hereby added to and made a part of Williamson County.
SECTION 2. That it shall be the duty of the Justices of the Peace for Williamson County
at the next term of the court of pleas and quarter sessions held for said county to appoint a
skillful surveyor who shall run and mark the aforesaid line from the mouth of Little Harpeth
River to the northwest corner of Williamson County which said surveyor shall receive such
compensation for his service as shall be allowed him by said county court, but nothing in this act
shall be construed to prevent the sheriff or collector of Davidson County from collecting the state
and county tax due from the persons living within that part of Davidson County which is by this
act added to Williamson County.
SECTION 3. That the persons living in that part of Davidson county which is by this act
added to Williamson County shall not be subject to the payment of a county tax which now is or
may hereafter be laid for the purpose of discharging the expenses that have accrued on account
of building the court house, jail and other public improvements in Williamson County.
SECTION 4. That the persons by this act added to Williamson County shall not be
compelled to open the road leading from Franklin to the town of Charlotte in Dickson County, or
a road leading from Franklin to Vernon in Hickman County, or any other new road not
heretofore established by law, except those who requested by their petition to be annexed to
Williamson County, or shall hereafter sign a petition to the county court of Williamson asking
such road to be opened.
SECTION 5. That the Sheriff of Davidson county shall on the last Saturday of December
next, open and hold an election at the house of Robert Shannon when every person
constitutionally entitled to vote for members of the Legislature and residing in the section of the
county intended to be cut off, shall be authorized to vote at said election when and where the
sheriff aforesaid shall put the county of Davidson and the county of Williamson in nomination
and if a majority of said voters shall vote for the county of Williamson then this act shall take
effect and be in full force, otherwise it shall be void to all intents and purposes
whatever. Provided that the sheriff for his services in holding said election shall be allowed the
sum of five dollars to be paid by the county of Williamson out of any monies in the hands of the
trustee of said county on said sheriff making return to Williamson County Court at the January
term 1816 that he had performed the services required by this act, and when the election so held
he shall make a true return of the amount of votes, and how they are, given under his hand and
seal, which shall be sufficient evidence of the fact.
Passed: November 12, 1815.