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Acts of 1869-70 Chapter 88

COMPILER'S NOTE: Only Section 7 of this Act pertained to Williamson County.

SECTION 7. That the county line between the counties of Williamson and Cheatham be
so changed as to run as follows: Commencing at the point where the line of said county of
Cheatham connects with the line of the county of Williamson, near the residence of Mrs.
Nicholas Knight; running thence north to the south boundary of James Russell's land; thence east
to his southeast corner; thence north with the land of said Russell and Joel Telley to said Telley's
northeast corner; thence west to the line of Cheatham County; thence north with the line of said
Cheatham and Davidson Counties, to a stake east of northeast corner of the land of John W. Ivey;
thence west to the present line between said counties of Cheatham and Williamson; and that said
sections thus detached from said county of Cheatham, and attached to said county of Williamson,
constitute a part of the First Civil District of Williamson County.

Passed: February 28, 1870.