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Acts of 1804 Chapter 13

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 3 through 6 of this act do not relate to Montgomery County and are not reprinted here.

Whereas, on extending the line agreeable to law between the counties of Montgomery and Stewart, it was found that the settlements of Guises creek fell into Montgomery county, which was not intended, as the same lies more immediately adjoining the settlements of Stewart than Montgomery county---For remedy whereof.

SECTION 1. That hereafter the lines which divide the counties of Montgomery and Stewart shall be as follows (to wit) Beginning on the Kentucky line, sixteen miles west of the meridian of Clarksville, then south fifteen degrees east, to intersect the line of Dickson county about three miles east of the line run heretofore for Stewart county, thence, with the ridge which divides the waters of Yellow creek from the waters of Guises and Wellses Creek to the Indian boundary, and which said boundary westwardly to the line run for Stewart County.

SECTION 2. That the territory which lies west of the line established hereby between the same and the former line shall be and the same is hereby declared to be part of Stewart County, Guises Creek settlement included, and that territory which lies east of the line hereby established between the same and the former line, shall be, and is hereby declared to be a part of Montgomery county.