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Acts of 1803 Chapter 68

COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 3,4,6, and 7 do not relate to the boundaries of Montgomery County and are not reprinted here.

SECTION 1. That Montgomery county be divided by a line which shall commence in the Kentucky line, thirteen miles west of the meridian of Clarksville, and run south to the southern boundary of this state; and all the territory west of the said line be constituted a separate and distinct county and distinguished by the name of Stewart.

SECTION 2. That James Elder be appointed Surveyor to run the division line between the said county of Stewart and the county of Montgomery, and that he be allowed the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per day for his services, and that he be authorized to employ two chain carriers and one marker for the purpose aforesaid, which several sums shall be paid out of the funds of said county.

SECTION 5. That the sheriff of Montgomery county shall have power to collect the taxes for the present year, and all arrearages of taxes due for any preceding year, from any of the inhabitants of the said county of Stewart in as full and ample a manner as if this act had not been passed.

Passed: November 1, 1803.