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Acts of 1809 (Sept. Session) Chapter 42

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section 4 through 6 of this act do not relate to boundaries of
Montgomery County and are not reprinted here.

Whereas the people who reside near to the lower end of Robertson County, and in the
upper end of Montgomery, labor under to many inconveniences in discharging their public duties
and dues, owing to the distance they have to go to attend elections, and general and battalion
musters, and present uncertainty of the line between said counties; and dissatisfied with the
manner in which said line has been directed to be run, as a dividing line between said counties, it
being a crooked one: To remedy which,
SECTION 1. That Joseph Woolfolk, Esquire, of Montgomery county, be, and he hereby
is appointed a commissioner for the purpose of running and plainly marking a line, beginning at
a point, twelve and a half miles due east of the meridian of Clarksville, which point is a corner of
an offset in the present line near to Capt. James Blackwell's on Parson's Creek, thence a direct
course to a point on the south bank of the Sulphur fork of Red river about mid way between the
dwelling houses of Maj. James Norfleet and Cordall Norfleet, thence down Sulphur fork, with its
meanders, to the point where the present line of the county now crosses the same, thence with
said line, due north, to the Kentucky line; which line when run, shall be the true dividing line
between the aforesaid counties of Robertson and Montgomery; and such persons as are or may
be found to reside west of said line shall, from and after the running of said line, be considered as
inhabitants of Montgomery, and those on the east thereof, to belong to the county of Robertson,
any other or former law to the contrary notwithstanding.
SECTION 2. That the sheriff of Robertson County shall be, and hereby is, authorized to
collect the state and county taxes due from those who had returned their tax list in said county,
who will, by the running of said line, be found to be added to the county of Montgomery, as
effectually as if this act had not been passed.
SECTION 3. That the said Joseph Woolfolk shall be allowed the sum of three dollars per
day for each day he may be necessarily engaged in running said line, an that the person marking
the same shall be allowed per day the sum of one dollar for each and every day he may be
necessarily engaged in marking the same, to be paid by order of the county court of Montgomery
out of any county monies.
Passed: November 8, 1809.