Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is a process that is used to obtain a statement of qualifications from proposers. Proposers are asked to submit resumes, certifications, references, previous experience, and other qualifications as they relate to criteria established and set forth in the specifications portion of the RFQ document. This procedure may be used to select the most qualified individual or firm to provide technical expertise (e.g., architectural and/or engineering services). The Request for Qualifications approach emphasizes the quality of the product(s) and the qualifications of the vendors.1
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is a procurement process whereby service providers are selected on the basis of qualifications for a particular project, rather than solely on price factors. The prospective vendor that has the best qualifications is offered the contract, and fee is negotiated.2 This process is generally used for professional services (see T.C.A. § 12-4-107 concerning the selection of architects and engineers), and cannot be used when competitive sealed bids are required.
1Yuhua Qiao and Glenn Cummings,“The Use of Qualifications - Base Selection Pubic Procurement: A survey Research”, Journal of Public Procurement, 2003, Volume 3, Issue 2, 216.
2ibid, 223.