Year Originated: | 1836 |
County Road Miles: | 543.56 |
Number of Parcels: | 17,179 |
Incorporated Cities or Towns: | Chapel Hill (1445), Cornersville (1194), Lewisburg (11100), Petersburg (544) |
2020 Population: | 34,318 |
2020 Population per Square Mile: | 91.51 |
2010 Population: | 30,617 |
County Structure: | Traditional |
Development District: | South Central Tennessee Development District |
Judicial District: | 17 |
Fiscal Procedures Law: | General Law |
Budgeting Law: | Private Acts of 2005 Chapter 17 |
Purchasing Law: | County Purchasing Law of 1983 |
Private Acts: | Marshall County Private Acts |
Number of Commissioners: 18
Number of Commission Districts: 9
County Legislative Meeting Information: 6:00 p.m. - 4th Monday in every month, except when 4th Monday falls on Holiday. No December meeting. Note May meeting is 4th Tuesdays when holiday falls on 4th Monday
Number of Commission Districts: 9
County Legislative Meeting Information: 6:00 p.m. - 4th Monday in every month, except when 4th Monday falls on Holiday. No December meeting. Note May meeting is 4th Tuesdays when holiday falls on 4th Monday
CTAS Consultants
County Government Consultant: Melisa Kelton
Environmental Consultant: Tom Brashear
Assessor Consultant: Joe Griffin
Criminal Justice Consultant: Clint Shrum
Jail Administration Consultant: Jim Hart
Fire Consultant: Marc Alley