Year Originated: | 1879 |
County Road Miles: | 407.00 |
Number of Parcels: | 9,996 |
Incorporated Cities or Towns: | Enville (189), Henderson (6309), Milledgeville (265), Silerton (111) |
2020 Population: | 17,341 |
2020 Population per Square Mile: | 60.00 |
2010 Population: | 17,131 |
County Structure: | Traditional |
Development District: | Southwest Tennessee Development District |
Judicial District: | 26 |
Fiscal Procedures Law: | General Law , Private Acts of 2009 Chapter 11 |
Budgeting Law: | General Law |
Purchasing Law: | County Purchasing Law of 1983 |
Private Acts: | Chester County Private Acts |
Number of Commissioners: 18
Number of Commission Districts: 6
County Legislative Meeting Information: 7:00 p.m. - 2nd Monday in January, March, May, 2nd Thursday in July, 2nd Monday in September and November.
Number of Commission Districts: 6
County Legislative Meeting Information: 7:00 p.m. - 2nd Monday in January, March, May, 2nd Thursday in July, 2nd Monday in September and November.
CTAS Consultants
County Government Consultant: Kelsey Schweitzer
Environmental Consultant: Tom Brashear
Assessor Consultant: Joe Griffin
Criminal Justice Consultant: Clint Shrum
Jail Administration Consultant: Jim Hart
Fire Consultant: Marc Alley