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Public Acts of 1981 Chapter 324

SECTION 1. The boundary line between the counties of Montgomery and Robertson is changed so that the following described tract or parcel of land, a portion of which lies in the fifth civil district of Montgomery County, shall lie wholly within the seventh civil district of Robertson County:

Beginning at an iron pin in the east margin of Stroudsville Road, said iron pin being about 618.4 feet northerly with said margin of said road from an iron pin, the southwest corner which this parcel is a portion, being the southwest corner of this parcel of land, a corner with Joe Elliott and William B. Elliot; thence with margin of said road North 2 deg. 45' East 400.7 feet to an iron pin, a corner with aforesaid Joe Elliot and William B. Elliott; thence with line of said Elliotts South 88 deg. East and being one foot south of a fence, a distance of 254.4 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being one foot south of a corner post; thence with line of same and being one foot west of a fence South 2 deg. West 173.7 feet to an iron pin, said iron pin being one foot west of a corner post and one foot east of said post measuring from the side of post which fence is nailed to; thence with line of same East 47 feet to an iron pin and being one foot south of a fence; thence leaving fence with line of same South 3 deg. West 200 feet and South 86 deg. 45' West 299.2 feet to the beginning, containing 2.5 acres, more or less, after survey by F. E. Head, Surveyor, and being the same property conveyed to Joe Elliott and wife, Anne L. Elliott, by deed dated March 4, 1981, and recorded in Deed Book 232, Page 31, in the Register's Office for Robertson County, Tennessee.

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: May 6, 1981.