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Public Acts of 1971 Chapter 69

SECTION 1. The boundary line between the counties of Montgomery and Robertson, in the area where the boundary intersects the Stroudsville-Harmony Church Road, between the Fifth Civil District of Montgomery County and the Seventh Civil District of Robertson County is changed so that the boundary will run from an iron pin in the boundary line between the two counties approximately 36 feet north 86 degrees west from another iron pin in the Stroudsville- Harmony Church Road at the Pickering and E. O. Harper corner; thence along the north, east and south sides of the following described tract of land, so that the described tract of land will lie wholly within the Fifth Civil District of Montgomery County:

Beginning at an iron pin in the easterly margin of the Stroudsville-Harmony Church Road at the Pickering and E. O. Harper Corner, thence along the north line of the Pickering property south 86 degrees 15 feet 44 inches east 1,383.5 feet to a post, a corner to the Pickering property; thence on a line south 9 degrees 15 feet west 4,786 feet to an iron stake in Robert Elliott's northline; thence with the line of said Elliott property north 86 degrees 26 feet 38 inches west 1,414 feet to an iron pin in the easterly margin of the Stroudsville-Harmony Church Road at the Pickering and Elliott corner; thence north along the easterly margin of the Stroudsville-Harmony Church Road to the iron pin in the easterly margin of the Stroudsville-Harmony Church Road at the Pickering and E. O. Harper corner; and situated in the 7th Civil District of Robertson County and the 5th Civil District of Montgomery County.

As amended by: Private Acts of 1972, Chapter 791

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 15, 1971.