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Public Acts of 1980 Chapter 795

SECTION 1. The boundary line between the counties of Greene and Washington is hereby changed by detaching from the county of Greene and attaching to the county of Washington, that part of the hereinafter described territory, which is now lying in Greene County, to wit:
A parcel or tract of land lying partially in the first district of Washington County and partially in Greene County, and beginning at a post in the outside line and corner to tract sold to Roy Brown, thence N 5½ E 91½ poles to a pine stump; thence S 87½ E 109½ poles to a stake in the road; thence S 2 W 14 poles to a stake, Foxes corner; thence with his line three courses, N 85 W 12 poles to a post; S 6½ W 20 poles to a post; S 87 E 12½ poles to a stake in the road; thence S 11 W 28¼ poles to a stake in the road; thence N 67 W 9-3/5 poles to a stake in the turn of the road; thence S 5½ W 33-4/5 poles to a stake in the forks of the road; thence with another road and Roy Brown's line N 87 W 99 poles to the beginning, containing 59.2 acres, more or less.
A parcel or tract of land now lying partially in the first district of Washington County and partially in Greene County and beginning at a planted rock, Ed Treadway line, white oak, Sourwood and Maple pointers and corner to I.W. Brown, thence 83-3/4 W 58-3/25 poles to a planted rock in Ira Brown's line, thence with his line S 2-3/4 W 28-17/25 poles to a planted rock post oak pointers, thence S 85-2/5 E 62-3/25 poles, thence N 3 E 17-3/5 poles to a planted rock; thence W 4-4/5 poles to a planted rock, Ed Treadway corner, thence N 2-3/4 E 9½ poles to the place of beginning, containing 10½ acres be the same more or less; and a second tract, adjoining the lands of Ira Brown and others, beginning at a planted rock Ira Brown's corner; thence with line N 77¼ W 57 poles to a planted rock Sourwood, Black Gum, White Oak pointers, thence N 2-3/4 E 29-6/25 poles to a planted rock post oak pointers, thence S 85- 2/5 E 57- 8/25 poles to a planted rock, Sourwood pointers, thence S 3 W 29-6/25 poles to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres to be the same more or less; and a third tract, beginning at a stake in the road, corner to Howser and Corby, then north with Corby's line 168 feet to a rock, then east with Corby's line 51 feet to a rock, at the road, then with the road 175 feet to the beginning. A parcel or tract of land now lying partially in the first district of Washington County and partially in Greene County, and beginning at a rock on Broyles line, then N 19 poles to a rock in said line, then west 12 poles to a rock near a white oak, then south 20 poles to a rock nearBurgners corner in Broyles line, then east 12 poles to the beginning. Containing 1½ acres more or less.

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
PASSED: March 26, 1980.