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Public Acts of 1881 Chapter 145

SECTION 1. That the line between the county of Greene and the counties of Washington and Unicoi be and the same is hereby changed as follows: Beginning at a point where said line crosses the road leading from Horn creek to Carset creek in the lane between the farms of Alfred Painter and Thomas Painter and running thence south 25 degrees east 1 mile to the top of Cannon Knob, thence south 25 degrees east 4 miles to the top of Wilson Knob, thence south 25 degrees west to Low Gap in Flint Mountains to the North Carolina line, so as to include in Greene county all that territory lying between said line and the North Carolina line and the line as it now runs.

SEC. 2. That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 4, 1881.