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Public Acts of 1975 Chapter 134

COMPILER'S NOTE:  Although this is a public, rather than a private, act; it is one of special effect and is not found in Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1.  The tract of land now situated in the 13th Civil District of Blount County, hereinafter described, is detached from Blount County and attached to Sevier County, as part of the 10th Civil District thereof, such tract of land being a part of the lands owned by Fred M. Pierce, and the county line between Blount County and Sevier County shall hereafter run with the boundaries of such tract so as to exclude such land from Blount County and include the same in Sevier County.  The tract of land is decribed as follows:

Beginning at a stake in the county line at the northwest corner of the Fred M. Pierce property; thence south 24 degrees east seven and one-half (7½) poles to a stake; then south 30 ½ degrees sixteen and one-quarter (16¼) poles to a persimmon tree; thence south 14 ½ degrees west ten (10) poles to a red oak tree; thence south 31 degrees east twenty-two (22) poles to a stake beside a hickory tree; thence north 74 degrees east five and two-thirds (5 ⅔) poles to a stone; thence north 30 ½ degrees east six (6) poles to a stone; thence north 12 degrees east six (6) poles to a hickory tree; thence due north six and twenty-two twenty-fifths ( 6 22/25) poles to a stone; thence north 35 degrees east eight (8) poles to a stake; thence north 22 degrees east eight (8) poles to a stake; thence north 31 degrees east to a spanish oak; thence north 4 degrees west seven and three fifths (7 3/5) poles to a stake; thence south 65 3/4 degrees east eight and seventeen twenty-fifths (8 17/25) poles to a stake; thence north 13 degrees west twenty and one-fifth (20 1/5) poles to a stone; thence south 77½ degrees west thirty-six and three fifths (36 3/5) poles to a stake; thence south 53½ degrees west ten and two-fifths (10 2/5) poles to a stake at the beginning point, such tract containing ten (10) acres, more or less.

SECTION 2.  This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

PASSED:  May 5, 1975.