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Private Acts of 1945 Chapter 610

SECTION 1.  That the property of O. L. Boyd and John H. Kerr lying in the thirteenth (13th) District of Blount County, Tennessee, be removed from that County and attached to the ninth (9th) District of Sevier County, Tennessee.  This property consists of eight (8) acres more or less and is described as follows:

Property of John H. Kerr and Wife, Geneva I. Kerr

Lot No. One (1)

BEGINNING at an iron pin in the S. side of the Chapman Highway, andrunning S. 6 deg. 43 min. W. 505 ft. to an iron pin in the line of Ogle and Mize.  Thence with their line, N. 61 deg. 35 min. E. 355.3 ft. to an I.P.  Thence, N. 6 deg. 43 min. E. 234 ft. to an I.P. in the S. side of the aforesaid Highway.  Thence with the S. side of same, N. 71 deg. W. 300 ft. to the beginning containing 2.75 acres, more or less, and being a part of the lands formerly owned by G.W. McClure - S.L. Pickens, and known as the Creswell place.

Property of John H. Kerr and Wife, Geneva I. Kerr

Lot No. Two (2)

BEGINNING at a stake E. corner to Kerr and in the Chapman Hwy., Rt. of way and running with Kerrs S.E. line, 6 deg. 43 min. W. 234 ft. to a stake in Mize's line.  Thence with his line N. 61 deg. 35 min. E. 315 ft. to a stake in the W. line of the said Highway and in the said Mize line.  Thence with the west line of the said highway, N. 17 deg. 00 min. W. 272 ft. to the beginning, containing 3/4 Acres (0.75) Acres, more or less.

Property of John H. Kerr and Wife, Geneva I. Kerr

Lot No. Three (3)

BEGINNING at a stone, N.E. corner to Boyd's land and running N. 2 deg. 19 min.          E. 322 ft. to an iron pin, in an old spring-hole and corner to Ogle and Cunningham.  Thence with the line of Ogle and Cunningham's line, N. 88 deg. 25 min. W. 561 ft. to a stake, corner to Cunningham and Ogle, Thence, S. 16 deg. 30 min. W. 26.7 ft. to a large Oak Stump.  Thence, continuing with Cunningham and Ogle's line, S. 55 deg. 00 min. W. 254.8 ft. to a stake on the N. side of a ditch, (designated by S. H. Cunningham as the original and legal corner, and said stake being set 2.8 ft. S. of a mulberry tree).  Thence, S. 37 deg. 30 min. W. and with the aforesaid Cunningham and Ogle's line, 112.8 ft. to a stake in a ditch and in the line of the Chapman Highway. Thence, with the same, S. 70 deg. 35 min., E. 629.5 ft. to a Hwy. Marker, corner to Boyd's land.  Thence, with his line, N. 6 deg. 15 min. E. 125 ft. to a stake, cor. to Boyd.  Thence with his line, N. 86 deg. 25 min. E. 225 ft. to the beginning, containing, 5.75 Acres, more or less.

Property of O.L. Boyd

Lot No. Four (4)

BEGINNING on a concrete stake at right of way to Chapman Highway and runs N. 2 deg. 45 E. 225 ft. to a stake a corner to Mize.  Then S. 85 deg. 30 ft. W. 225 ft. to an iron pin S. 6 W. 125 ft. to concrete stake at right of way.  Then S. 71 deg. 30 ft. E. 241 ft. to the beginning, containing one (1) acre, more or less.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 1, 1945.