COMPILER'S NOTE: This Act is a special legislation that does not appear in Tennessee Code Annotated.
SECTION 1. The boundary line between the counties of Davidson and Wilson is changed so as to detach from Davidson County and attach to Wilson County the following described area:
Beginning at the point of intersection of the present Wilson-Davidson County line (as projected on United States Geological Survey Maps) with the farm property of Jack and Mary Kershaw on Old Hickory Lake in Wilson and Davidson Counties, thence following the northern boundary of said property north 82 degrees west 762 feet plus or minus to a point in the western margin of Rebel Road, thence with the property line north 1 degrees west 874 feet to a point, thence with the property line north 44 degrees 48 feet east 59 feet, thence with the property line north 65 degrees 30 feet west 30.5 feet, thence with the property line south 74 degrees 45 feet west 614 feet to a point, thence with the property line north 1 degrees 45 feet west 648.6 feet, thence with the property line south 75 degrees 30 feet east 385.4 feet to a point in the east margin of Rebel Road, thence "following said margin of said road in a north-westerly direction 147 feet to its intersection with the south margin of Bedford Forrest Court; thence with the said margin 175 feet to a point; thence crossing said Court 50 feet in a northerly direction to a point in the north margin of said Court; thence in a northerly direction 260.9 feet to a point in the U.S. Government take line of Old Hickory Lake".
SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 23, 1972.