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Private Acts of 1941 Chapter 383

SECTION 1.  That two small portions of the territory of Robertson County lying in and comprising a part of the southerly portion thereof, and described by metes and bounds as follows:

Beginning at a stone corner to James Tate in B. F. Carter's line; thence N. 87 degrees W. 21 poles to a large beech on the west edge of the road; thence N. 37 degrees W. 24 poles to a sweet gum stump corner to James Tate; thence north 38 poles to a pile of rock on side of a hill; thence N. 86 degrees W. 34.2 poles to a point in the center of the road corner to James Tate; thence N. 31½ degrees W. 15 poles to a stone with hickory and white oak pointers; thence S. 79 degrees W. 13.6 poles to a hickory on the north bank of Sycamore Creek corner to James Tate; thence with said creek as follows:  S. 2 degrees W. 12 poles; S. 28 degrees E. 24 poles; S. 42 degrees E. 19 poles; South 13 poles; S. 63 degrees E. 34 poles; S. 15 degrees W. 14 poles; S. 10 degrees E. 8 poles; S. 27 degrees E. 12 poles; S. 34 degrees E. 12 poles; S. 8 degrees E. 8.5 poles; S. 42 degrees E. 9 poles; S. 62 degrees E. 15 poles to a point in Sycamore Creek corner to B. F. Carter; thence N. 3½ degrees E. 72 poles to the beginning; containing 28.5 acres, more or less.

Beginning at a sycamore on the north bank of Sycamore Creek; thence north 43.7 poles to a white oak stump and a large stone; thence N. 80½ degrees W. 41 poles to a white oak corner to James Tate in Henry Tate's line; thence S. 3½ W. 38 poles to a hickory on the north bank of Sycamore Creek corner to Henry Tate; thence with said creek as follows:  S. 45 degrees E. 5 poles; S. 80 degrees E. 7 poles; S. 22 degrees W.  8 poles; East 11 poles; S. 61 degrees E. 9 poles; N. 76 degrees E. 16 poles, to the beginning; containing 12 acres, more or less; shall and the same are hereby attached to and constitute a part of Davidson County in the Fourteenth District thereof.

SECTION 2.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 11, 1941.