COMPILER'S NOTE: This is a Special Act of the Legislature and is not printed in the Tennessee Code Annotated.
SECTION 1. The line between the counties of Cannon and Coffee be, and the same is, hereby changed by detaching from the County of Cannon and attaching to the County of Coffee all of the hereinafter described territory:
A tract or parcel of land now lying in the 13th civil district of Cannon, adjacent to, and just north of the line between the counties of Cannon and Coffee containing 40.81 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows:
"Beginning at the corner of a fence located at the northward margin of the Holly Spring Road, the said point of beginning being known as Kenners southwest corner, also considered as being located in the south line of Cannon County and the north line of Coffee County; thence running with a fence this being Kenners west line N 3o 15' E 1500 ft. to the corner of the fence; thence running with a staked line along the top of a ravine, this being Dr. Adams southward line N 89o 45' W 407.7 ft., N 77o W 166 ft., N 62o 30' W 156 ft., N 52o 30' W 272 ft., N 84o 15' W 242 ft., to a large fence post; thence running with a fence this being Parkers lastward line S 23o 50' W 952 ft., S 24o 15' W 153 ft., to the corner of the fence; thence running with the north-ward margin of the Holly Spring Road, considered as the north line of Coffee County, and the south line of Cannon County, S 60o 45' E 668 ft., S 64o 15' E 1008 ft., to the beginning and containing 40.81 acres as surveyed by William C. Ingram, Coffee County Surveyor, on the 27th day of January, 1970."
SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 19, 1970.