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Private Acts of 1971 Chapter 182

SECTION 1.  A sixteen (16) acre (more or less) tract of land now situated in the new fourth (4th), old seventeenth (17th), district of Rutherford County, hereafter described is removed from Rutherford County into the first (1st) civil district of Cannon County, and the county line between Rutherford and Cannon County at this place shall hereafter run with the boundaries of said tract so as to exclude said lands from Rutherford County and to include the same in Cannon County.  The tract of land is generally bounded and described as follows:

"Bounded on the North by the lands of the McKnight sisters; on the South by Hollandsworth public road; on the East by the existing Rutherford-Cannon County line; and on the West by Hollandsworth public road and being lands conveyed by and described in that certain warranty deed from Susan P. Sneed to Mitchell Gibson et ux of date July 6, 1968, of record in the Register's Office of Rutherford County, Tennessee, in Deed Book 182 at page 556, also of record in the Register's Office of Cannon County, Tennessee, in Deed Book 73 at page 109, which tract of land is presently owned by Jerry A. Fann by warranty deed from said Mitchell Gibson et ux to said Jerry A. Fann of date April 3, 1971."

SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  May 25, 1971.