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Public Acts of 1899 Chapter 144

SECTION 1.  That the county line between the counties of Campbell and Claiborne be so changed as to include all the lands of J. E. Smith, R. B. Rogers and R. L. Childress, together with the county road leading from Well Spring by way of Childress gap to Jellico, in Campbell county, beginning on Cumberland mountain at a chestnut oak and hickory in the county line known as W. S. Needham’s corner; thence N. 42 W. 160 poles to a stake; thence N. 50 W. 96 poles to a stake; thence N. 80 W. 58 poles to a stake; thence N. 40 W. 60 poles to a stake; thence N. 63 W. 60 poles to a stake; N. 28 W. 60 poles to a stake; thence N. 49 W. 50 poles to a stake; thence W. 60 poles to a stake; thence S. 70 W. 38 poles to a white oak in the old county line.

Sec. 2.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act is hereby repealed, and that this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 29, 1899.