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Private Acts of 1965 Chapter 156

SECTION 1.  That the boundary line between the counties of Claiborne and Union is changed by detaching the following described tracts of land from Claiborne County and attaching same to Union County:

BEGINNING at and on a point where the Union County-Claiborne County line crosses the TVA Contour 10-44 line; thence running an easterly course with the Union County-Claiborne County line, 80° 15 Min E. a distance of 406 feet at a point in the Union County-Claiborne County line; thence running a straight line eastwardly designated as the Union County-Claiborne County line, a southward direction to a point where the said Union County-Claiborne County line crosses the contour (TVA) 1044 line; thence following the TVA Contour line 1044, a northerly direction approximately 400 feet to the BEGINNING point, and containing three-fourths of an acre, more or less.

Parcel No. 2

BEGINNING  at a metal marker in the 1044 contour on the northeast shore of the Little Barren Creek Embayment and in the boundary between the lands of the United States of America and Elbert B. Shelby from which US-TVA Monument 1417-4 (Coordinates: N. 721,121; E. 2,662,158) at an angle in the said boundary bears S. 55° 55' E. at a distance of 23 feet; thence with the 1044-foot contour as it meanders in a northwesterly direction to a metal marker on the southwest side of a road; thence leaving the contour and with a line marked by the United States of America's boundary N. 12° 55' W., 42 feet to a point immediately east of a junction of roads; thence with the United States of America's boundary S. 55° 55' E., 140 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 0.1 acre, more or less.

Reference to the above described tracts is recorded in Book of Deeds "K", Vol. 3, page 183-85 Register of Deeds Office, Union County, Tennessee, by United States of America, TVA, to W. H. Shelby.

SECTION 2.  That this Act shall take effect upon its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 8, 1965.