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Public Acts of 1871 Chapter 6

SECTION 1.  That the county line between Overton and Clay counties be changed as follows:  Beginning on said county line south of G. W. Morgan's, where his line crosses said line, running with said Morgan's line and R. J. Upton's, to the eleven and three-fourth miles post from Livingston, on Mill Creek; thence an easterly course a straight line, passing the south end of William Garrett's land, to the forks of Carter's Creek, above Jesse M. Martin's; thence a slight variation north of east, so as to include in Clay county all of Thomas Martin's and W. W. Chilton's lands, passing through the land dividing the lands of Mrs. Ruth Martin and O. T. L. Martin, to a chestnut oak, southeast corner of Thomas W. Barry's land, and including all his land, intersecting the county line again in the land dividing the lands of W. J. Dennis and Ezekiel Long:  Provided, said line so changed shall not approach nearer than ten miles of Livingston, the county seat of Overton county, on a direct line.

SECTION 2.  That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  October 20, 1871.