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Acts of 1875 Chapter 140

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section 2 is the only Section that applies to Clay County. Therefore, the other sections were omitted.

SECTION 2.  The lines between the counties of Overton and Clay be changed as follows:  Beginning on the south boundary line of Clay county, between Overton and Clay counties, near the farm of Marion Taylor, running thence an eastern direction with Taylor's line to the Livingston and Mouth of Wolf road; thence with said road to the east boundary line of the Jesse Heard tract of land; thence east with said line to the land of Matthew Armey; thence with his boundary line to Obed's river; thence across said river and up the same to the east boundary line of Armstrong's 5000 acre survey; thence north 370 poles to a stake; thence west to the beginning corner of said survey; thence south to the Obed's river, which is the Gore line.  Also this further change:  beginning at a sour wood in said Gore line south, and near the residence of Ensley Billbery, running thence east to a white oak near Jesse Martin's; thence northeast so as to run through the lane which divides the lands owned on the one side by Mrs. Ann Martin, and on the other by Mrs. Ruth Martin, to a large double chestnut in T. W. Berry's south boundary line; thence with Berry's line, so as to intersect the Gore line near Joseph Parkers, so as to include all the lands of T. W. Berry, Thomas Martin, W. W. Chilton, C. H. Heard, W. Hear, W. H. Welburn, Matthew Armey, and John F. Gawette, in Clay county; provided the county of Overton shall not be reduced by said change below its constitutional limits in territory, or the line run nearer the Court House of Overton county than ten miles, and said applicants shall pay all expenses of change.

Passed:  March 24, 1875.