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Private Acts of 1965 Chapter 147

SECTION 1. That the boundary line between the counties of Jackson and Smith is changed by detaching the following described tract of land from Jackson County and attaching same to Smith County.

Beginning at a pin in the center of State Highway 85, where the same is intersected by the eastern boundary of Smith County and running from there as follows: North 5 degrees 12 minutes East a distance of 1274 feet with the Smith-Jackson County line the same being the east boundary of the Cook and Collier farms to an elm in fence; thence South 80 degrees 44 minutes East a distance of 765 feet with the fence (Hudson south boundary) to an iron pin in fence corner; thence North 85 degrees ten minutes East a distance of 659 feet with the fence (Hudson south boundary) to an iron pin in fence corner at the west boundary of Martin farm; thence South 17 degrees 35 minutes West a distance of 200 feet with the fence (Martin West boundary) to an iron pin in fence; thence South 3 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 907 feet with the fence (Martin West boundary) to an iron pin in center of Salt Lick Creek; thence North 74 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of 342 feet down the creek with Martin line to an iron pin in center of creek; thence South 19 degrees 10 minutes East a distance of 220 feet with the fence (Martin line) to a hackberry south of highway 85; thence South 70 degrees 15 minutes East a distance of 128 feet with the fence (Martin line) to fence corner; thence South 11 degrees 00 minutes East a distance of 188 feet with the fence (Martin line) to a hackberry in fence; thence South 3 degrees 50 minutes West a distance of 821 feet wit the fence (Martin line) to fence corner; thence South 79 degrees 50 minutes East a distance of 336 feet with the fence (Martin line) to an iron pin in fence corner at Browns line; thence South 4 degrees 10 minutes West a distance of 687 feet with the fence (Brown line) to fence corner; thence North 78 degrees 30 minutes West a distance of 232 feet with the fence (Brown and Williams line) to an elm in fence in lowgap; thence North 43 degrees 00 minutes West a distance of 341 feet with the fence (Williams line) to fence corner; thence South 76 degrees 15 minutes West for a distance of 738 feet with the fence (Williams line) to fence corner; thence South 25 degrees 40 minutes West for a distance of 581 feet with the fence (Williams line) to fence corner; thence South 48 degrees 55 minutes West for a distance of 938 feet with the fence (Williams and Franklin line) to fence corner; thence North 58 degrees 45 minutes West for a distance of 628 feet with the fence (Franklin line) to an iron pin in the present Smith-Jackson line; thence North 12 degrees 57 minutes East for a distance of 2,559 feet severing the Butler Farm with the Smith-Jackson County line to the point of beginning; and containing 143.44 acres, more or less.

SECTION 2. That this Act shall take effect upon its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: March 16, 1965.